Equal Rights Equal Opportunities

         God created human to be the steward of his other creations. He wants us to use it equally. In his eyes all human being are equal and has the right for all the fruit that the world may bring. But because of greediness, human destroy what God wants us to do.
          In this time, equal rights and equal opportunities is a wide topic. Let us say in terms of seeking a job. There are still companies that prefer to hire a boy or a girl employee rather than a member of LGBTQ. Not knowing what they are capable to do . The company still impose an age limit for their employees.  So the seniors or those who are in their 40's have difficulty in seeking a job. So the number of unemployed workers in our country increases. And also there are companies that prefer to hire a college graduate rather than a senior high school graduate. So what’s the point of having a senior high school if the graduates  will  be denied for the opportunities to work in a good company.
           We should not judge people in their physical appearance. Let us give others the opportunities what others are enjoying.


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